Comment 3 for bug 471499

Revision history for this message
Dàrent (animaletdesequia) wrote :

I had this issue in maverick too. Installing a patched version of notify-osd solved it, and not only that, this ppa came with a notify-osd conifig than allows you to completely configure it (height, position, delay, colors, background, fons...). Unfortunatelly, in that ppa:

"Launchpad Leolik's PPA"

There's no version for natty so i have the problem again. And i can't just install the maverick .deb manually since it's an old version and doesn't let me install it (I supose i could unninstall the official package trough synaptic and install the outdated version for maverick but i don't want to risk the whole system since notify-osd is so linked to the gnome-desktop)

A solution, patch or workarround would be apreciated :) Thanks