Comment 0 for bug 315957

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NeCr0s1s (dbartolone) wrote : Dualview - top panel size on primary monitor controls positon of icons and screenlets on secondary montior - positions sidebar screenlet to low

If I use Twinview and on my primary monitor, the top panel where applications and places and other items are at, the size seems to affect the items on my secondary monitor which does not even have a top panel. So if I increase or decrease the size of the primary panels top panel it effects the position of items on my secondary monitor to make space as if it also had the same top panel on that side pushing things down or up. Making items such as icons or screenlets move position. Which also makes it impossible to use the sidebar screenlet and have it reach from the bottom of the secondary monitor to the top. Instead it is pushed downward and a gap the size of the top panel on the primary monitor is viewable even though there is nothing there