Comment 1 for bug 300130

Revision history for this message
Ansgar Burchardt (aburch) wrote : Re: package heyu needed for X10 home automation support

From the license:

    This software is licensed free of charge for non-commercial distribution
    and for personal and internal business use only. Inclusion of this
    software or any part thereof in a commercial product is prohibited
    without the prior written permission of the author.

In my opinion this does violate (at least) two requirements for inclusion in Ubuntu (main or restricted)[1]:

    * Must allow redistribution. Your right to sell or give away the software alone, or as part of an aggregate software distribution
    * Must not discriminate against persons, groups or against fields of endeavour. The license of software included in Ubuntu can not discriminate against anyone or any group of users and cannot restrict users from using the software for a particular field of endeavour - a business for example. Thus we will not distribute software that is licensed "freely for non-commercial use".

I have marked the bug as invalid for this reason. Feel free to change back if you object.
