I took a look at the current state of the package in the git repository and I have some notes to share:
- Source packag name: why did you decide to use arm-trusted-firmware-s32 when
upstream names it as arm-trusted-firmware? I was not able to find the reason
behind that decision.
- d/watch: it is not working properly. There is also a typo in the
filenamemangle option:
When trying to run uscan to download the version your are packaging it fails:
$ uscan --verbose --download-version 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: uscan (version 2.20.2ubuntu2) See uscan(1) for help
uscan info: Scan watch files in .
uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
uscan info: package="arm-trusted-firmware-s32" version="2.5-bsp37.0-8" (as seen in debian/changelog)
uscan info: package="arm-trusted-firmware-s32" version="2.5-bsp37.0" (no epoch/revision)
uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package="arm-trusted-firmware-s32" version="2.5-bsp37.0"
uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
package = arm-trusted-firmware-s32
version = 2.5-bsp37.0
pkg_dir = .
uscan info: opts: filenamemangle=s/(bsp\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_$2-$1\.tar\.gz/,uversionmangle=s/(bsp\d+\.\d+).(\d+\.\d+)/$2-$1/,
uscan info: line: https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/tags .*/(bsp\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz
uscan info: Parsing filenamemangle=s/(bsp\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_$2-$1\.tar\.gz/
uscan info: Parsing uversionmangle=s/(bsp\d+\.\d+).(\d+\.\d+)/$2-$1/
uscan info: line: https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/tags .*/(bsp\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz
uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Download the --download-version specified version: 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Requesting URL: https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/tags
uscan info: Matching pattern:
uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):
/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp38.0-2.5.tar.gz (2.5-bsp38.0) index=2.5-bsp38.0-1
/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz (2.5-bsp37.0) index=2.5-bsp37.0-1 matched with the download version
/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp36.0-2.5.tar.gz (2.5-bsp36.0) index=2.5-bsp36.0-1
/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp35.0-2.5.tar.gz (2.5-bsp35.0) index=2.5-bsp35.0-1
/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp34.2-2.5.tar.gz (2.5-bsp34.2) index=2.5-bsp34.2-1
uscan info: Looking at $base = https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/tags with
$filepattern = .*/(bsp\d+\.\d+)-(\d+\.\d+)\.tar\.gz found
$newfile = /nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz
$newversion = 2.5-bsp37.0
$lastversion = 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle: https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz
uscan info: Upstream URL(+tag) to download is identified as https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz
uscan info: Matching target for filenamemangle: /nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz
uscan info: Filename (filenamemangled) for downloaded file: /nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_2.5-bsp37.0.tar.gz
uscan: Newest version of arm-trusted-firmware-s32 on remote site is 2.5-bsp37.0, specified download version is 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Downloading upstream package: /nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_2.5-bsp37.0.tar.gz
uscan info: Requesting URL: https://github.com/nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/bsp37.0-2.5.tar.gz
uscan info: Successfully downloaded package: /nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_2.5-bsp37.0.tar.gz
uscan info: Start checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
uscan info: End checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
uscan info: Missing OpenPGP signature.
uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (oversionmangled): 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Launch mk-origtargz with options:
--package arm-trusted-firmware-s32 --version 2.5-bsp37.0 --compression default --directory .. --copyright-file debian/copyright ..//nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_2.5-bsp37.0.tar.gz
uscan error: Could not read ..//nxp-auto-linux/arm-trusted-firmware/archive/refs/tags/arm-trusted-firmware-s32_2.5-bsp37.0.tar.gz: No such file or directory
I did not spend more time investigating this, but it would be great to have
this working as expected. This might be related to the name mismatch I
mentioned before.
- d/changelog: this is a comment that may not result in any change but since
this is a new package in the archive you could have just a single entry
saying that this is the initial release. However, I do understand that you
might want to keep the changes history from your PPA.
- d/control: you used your name and email in the Maintainer field but in Ubuntu
we usually use Ubuntu Developers <email address hidden>. To
do the right thing you should use update-maintainer script from
ubuntu-dev-tools package.
- d/copyright: you should not add yourself as a copyright holder of debian/ if
you did that in your work hours. Just Canonical should be the copyright
This is what I spotted in an initial review without building the package nor running lintian against it, but I think you can get some action items from my comments already.
I took a look at the current state of the package in the git repository and I have some notes to share:
- Source packag name: why did you decide to use arm-trusted- firmware- s32 when firmware? I was not able to find the reason
upstream names it as arm-trusted-
behind that decision.
- d/watch: it is not working properly. There is also a typo in the
filenamemangle option:
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch .8af606be8 100644 =s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz/ arm-trusted- firware- s32-$2- $1\.tar\ .gz/,\ =s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_$2- $1\.tar\ .gz/,\ =s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ ).(\d+\ .\d+)/$ 2-$1/,\ /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ tags .*/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz
index 73f7a4b86.
--- a/debian/watch
+++ b/debian/watch
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
" \
When trying to run uscan to download the version your are packaging it fails:
$ uscan --verbose --download-version 2.5-bsp37.0 "arm-trusted- firmware- s32" version= "2.5-bsp37. 0-8" (as seen in debian/changelog) "arm-trusted- firmware- s32" version= "2.5-bsp37. 0" (no epoch/revision) "arm-trusted- firmware- s32" version= "2.5-bsp37. 0" firmware- s32 s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_$2- $1\.tar\ .gz/,uversionma ngle=s/ (bsp\d+ \.\d+). (\d+\.\ d+)/$2- $1/, /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ tags .*/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_$2- $1\.tar\ .gz/ s/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ ).(\d+\ .\d+)/$ 2-$1/ /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ tags .*/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ tags /github. com)?\/nxp\- auto\-linux\ /arm\-trusted\ -firmware\ /tags)? .*/(bsp\ d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp38.0- 2.5.tar. gz (2.5-bsp38.0) index=2.5-bsp38.0-1 auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz (2.5-bsp37.0) index=2.5-bsp37.0-1 matched with the download version auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp36.0- 2.5.tar. gz (2.5-bsp36.0) index=2.5-bsp36.0-1 auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp35.0- 2.5.tar. gz (2.5-bsp35.0) index=2.5-bsp35.0-1 auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp34.2- 2.5.tar. gz (2.5-bsp34.2) index=2.5-bsp34.2-1 /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ tags with d+\.\d+ )-(\d+\ .\d+)\. tar\.gz found linux/arm- trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz linux/arm- trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz linux/arm- trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_2.5- bsp37.0. tar.gz firmware- s32 on remote site is 2.5-bsp37.0, specified download version is 2.5-bsp37.0 linux/arm- trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_2.5- bsp37.0. tar.gz /github. com/nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ bsp37.0- 2.5.tar. gz linux/arm- trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_2.5- bsp37.0. tar.gz firmware- s32 --version 2.5-bsp37.0 --compression default --directory .. --copyright-file debian/copyright ..//nxp- auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_2.5- bsp37.0. tar.gz auto-linux/ arm-trusted- firmware/ archive/ refs/tags/ arm-trusted- firmware- s32_2.5- bsp37.0. tar.gz: No such file or directory
uscan info: uscan (version 2.20.2ubuntu2) See uscan(1) for help
uscan info: Scan watch files in .
uscan info: Check debian/watch and debian/changelog in .
uscan info: package=
uscan info: package=
uscan info: ./debian/changelog sets package=
uscan info: Process watch file at: debian/watch
package = arm-trusted-
version = 2.5-bsp37.0
pkg_dir = .
uscan info: opts: filenamemangle=
uscan info: line: https:/
uscan info: Parsing filenamemangle=
uscan info: Parsing uversionmangle=
uscan info: line: https:/
uscan info: Last orig.tar.* tarball version (from debian/changelog): 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Download the --download-version specified version: 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Requesting URL:
uscan info: Matching pattern:
uscan info: Found the following matching hrefs on the web page (newest first):
uscan info: Looking at $base = https:/
$filepattern = .*/(bsp\
$newfile = /nxp-auto-
$newversion = 2.5-bsp37.0
$lastversion = 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Matching target for downloadurlmangle: https:/
uscan info: Upstream URL(+tag) to download is identified as https:/
uscan info: Matching target for filenamemangle: /nxp-auto-
uscan info: Filename (filenamemangled) for downloaded file: /nxp-auto-
uscan: Newest version of arm-trusted-
uscan info: Downloading upstream package: /nxp-auto-
uscan info: Requesting URL:
uscan info: Successfully downloaded package: /nxp-auto-
uscan info: Start checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
uscan info: End checking for common possible upstream OpenPGP signature files
uscan info: Missing OpenPGP signature.
uscan info: New orig.tar.* tarball version (oversionmangled): 2.5-bsp37.0
uscan info: Launch mk-origtargz with options:
--package arm-trusted-
uscan error: Could not read ..//nxp-
I did not spend more time investigating this, but it would be great to have
this working as expected. This might be related to the name mismatch I
mentioned before.
- d/changelog: this is a comment that may not result in any change but since
this is a new package in the archive you could have just a single entry
saying that this is the initial release. However, I do understand that you
might want to keep the changes history from your PPA.
- d/control: you used your name and email in the Maintainer field but in Ubuntu
we usually use Ubuntu Developers <email address hidden>. To
do the right thing you should use update-maintainer script from
ubuntu-dev-tools package.
- d/copyright: you should not add yourself as a copyright holder of debian/ if
you did that in your work hours. Just Canonical should be the copyright
This is what I spotted in an initial review without building the package nor running lintian against it, but I think you can get some action items from my comments already.