Comment 1 for bug 1747037

Revision history for this message
Wayne Stambaugh (stambaughw) wrote : Re: [Bug 1747037] [NEW] eechema search & replace

This is not a field. Fields begin with F. You are pointing to the name
of the symbol in the library. Change that to a name that doesn't exist
in any library and you will break your schematic.

On 02/02/2018 11:30 AM, Franck78 wrote:
> Public bug reported:
> Hello,
> The search&replace ignores the field LIBRARY NAME shown on left when you
> edit a component.
> $Comp
> L IRF540N Q18 <==== need text editor to search&replace this field "IRF540N"
> U 1 1 57D95DEA
> P 24650 20050
> F 0 "Q18" H 24300 19900 50 0000 L CNN
> F 1 "IRL540N" H 24300 19800 50 0000 L CNN
> F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-220_Neutral123_Vertical_LargePads" H 24250 20150 50 0001 L CIN
> F 3 "" H 24650 20050 50 0000 L CNN
>  1 24650 20050
>  1 0 0 -1
> $EndComp
> The dialog box clearly says : "search all fields' component"
> Kicad version 4.0.7
> ** Affects: kicad
> Importance: Undecided
> Status: New
> ** Tags: editing mass
> ** Description changed:
> Hello,
> The search&replace ignores the field LIBRARY NAME shown on left when you
> edit a component.
> $Comp
> L IRF540N Q18 <==== need text editor to search&replace this field "IRF540N"
> U 1 1 57D95DEA
> P 24650 20050
> F 0 "Q18" H 24300 19900 50 0000 L CNN
> F 1 "IRL540N" H 24300 19800 50 0000 L CNN
> F 2 "TO_SOT_Packages_THT:TO-220_Neutral123_Vertical_LargePads" H 24250 20150 50 0001 L CIN
> F 3 "" H 24650 20050 50 0000 L CNN
> - 1 24650 20050
> - 1 0 0 -1
> +  1 24650 20050
> +  1 0 0 -1
> $EndComp
> The dialog box clearly says : "search all fields' component"
> +
> + Kicad version 4.0.7