Comment 52 for bug 114375

Revision history for this message
In , László Németh (nemeth-libreoffice) wrote :

Short description about the Lightproof integration with the dictionary extensions (it is not an automatic process yet):

1. Copy dialog/* and pythonpath/* directories and, Linguistic.xcu of your Lightproof extension to the dictionaries/your_language/ directory of LibreOffice.

2. Extend COMPONENT_FILES variable of with these new files.

3. Extend manifest.xml with the following elements:

    <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="dialog/OptionsDialog.xcs"
                manifest:media-type="application/" />
        <manifest:file-entry manifest:full-path="dialog/OptionsDialog.xcu"
                manifest:media-type="application/" />
        <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/;type=Python"
                manifest:full-path="Linguistic.xcu" />

4. Change extension ID of dialog/OptionsDialog.xcu to the ID of the dictionary extension (see in description.xml):

<prop oor:name="Id">