Short description about the Lightproof integration with the dictionary extensions (it is not an automatic process yet):
1. Copy dialog/* and pythonpath/* directories and, Linguistic.xcu of your Lightproof extension to the dictionaries/your_language/ directory of LibreOffice.
2. Extend COMPONENT_FILES variable of with these new files.
3. Extend manifest.xml with the following elements:
Short description about the Lightproof integration with the dictionary extensions (it is not an automatic process yet):
1. Copy dialog/* and pythonpath/* directories and, Linguistic.xcu of your Lightproof extension to the dictionaries/ your_language/ directory of LibreOffice.
2. Extend COMPONENT_FILES variable of with these new files.
3. Extend manifest.xml with the following elements:
<manifest: file-entry manifest: full-path= "dialog/ OptionsDialog. xcs"
manifest: media-type= "application/ vnd.sun. star.configurat ion-schema" />
<manifest: file-entry manifest: full-path= "dialog/ OptionsDialog. xcu"
manifest: media-type= "application/ vnd.sun. star.configurat ion-data" />
<manifest: file-entry manifest: media-type= "application/ vnd.sun. component; type=Python"
manifest: full-path= "Lightproof. py"/>
<manifest: file-entry
manifest: media-type= "application/ vnd.sun. star.configurat ion-data"
manifest: full-path= "Linguistic. xcu" />
4. Change extension ID of dialog/ OptionsDialog. xcu to the ID of the dictionary extension (see in description.xml):
<prop oor:name="Id"> org.openoffice. en.hunspell. dictionaries< /value>