Let me try to bring all the zlib related tickets together and summarize the situation,
since I've just noticed that this new one just came in:
LP 1893170 - 'zlib: DFLTCC compression level switching issues'.
So Michael's package zlib1g_1.2.11.dfsg-2ubuntu2~ppa2_s390x.deb solves LP 1884514 (according to LP 1884514, comment #2) as well as LP 1889059 (according to LP 1884514, comment #5).
And I think it should also solve LP 1882494, right? (But didn't saw a +1 for this)
But during the test of the package it was identified that another fix is needed (LP 1884514, comment #5 'stay tuned') that is now addressed with:
LP 1893170 - '[Ubuntu 20.10] zlib: DFLTCC compression level switching issues'.
Based on that commit 992a7afc3edfa511dff0650d1c545b11bf64e655 (mentioned in LP 1893170 is now needed on top (of the test package).
Let me try to bring all the zlib related tickets together and summarize the situation,
since I've just noticed that this new one just came in:
LP 1893170 - 'zlib: DFLTCC compression level switching issues'.
So Michael's package zlib1g_ 1.2.11. dfsg-2ubuntu2~ ppa2_s390x. deb solves LP 1884514 (according to LP 1884514, comment #2) as well as LP 1889059 (according to LP 1884514, comment #5).
And I think it should also solve LP 1882494, right? (But didn't saw a +1 for this)
But during the test of the package it was identified that another fix is needed (LP 1884514, comment #5 'stay tuned') that is now addressed with: 1dff0650d1c545b 11bf64e655 (mentioned in LP 1893170 is now needed on top (of the test package).
LP 1893170 - '[Ubuntu 20.10] zlib: DFLTCC compression level switching issues'.
Based on that commit 992a7afc3edfa51
Did I got it right?