Comment 6 for bug 1472421

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GTriderXC (gtriderxc) wrote :

One of my teacher at school used to teach me that we use words to give some information. The next step is a question if the information given at the moment is the one we are looking for? Again, with full respect to all developers, the developer's name is the last thing I wanna see. It is important also for security reasons to know who developed an app but not in the very first view. I understand a description is a pretty complicated thema for a small screen (I have the E4.5 myself) but an icon can not be the only information about... yes and now the question: an app? A web interface? I think the description of the bug tells everything: it is a nighmare. It is quite the same as if we had to apt-get install in a terminal-user have to know what he/she is looking for. Otherwise the only clue about an app is an icon. In case of some icons we get no, weak or mistaken information. And now what make us angry the most: description in a foreign language. It should be not allowed especially for the most important apps as Torch. I bet everyone uses a torch but not everyone is able to read my mother's tongue (Polish). If we already click an app we should be able to read either a translated description or description in English. The icon should tell us something about an app (what most developers do for their own good) but instead of developers name I'd provide some more usefull information as "app", "web app", radio, browser, game (unfortunatelly categories of the search engine don't do the job), etc. just one till three words that would give us a clue. Otherwise we can use apt-get install in a terminal.
I know it is not easy but perhaps there is something that could be done. Today You really need an external guide to find out what Software Store has to offer