Here's a basic design tenet we could and should fall back on:
"Everything that is running shall obey the wishes of the owner. "
If the owner wishes to hold and view her device in landscape orientation, then the OS should respect that choice and ensure that the UI and all running programs match that expectation. If the owner then wishes to hold and view her device in portrait orientation, then the OS should respect that choice and rotate the UI and all running programs to match.
Where other phones/devices get in "trouble" is when they cease to respect their owner. We, Ubuntu, should not fall into that trap.
Here's a basic design tenet we could and should fall back on:
"Everything that is running shall obey the wishes of the owner. "
If the owner wishes to hold and view her device in landscape orientation, then the OS should respect that choice and ensure that the UI and all running programs match that expectation. If the owner then wishes to hold and view her device in portrait orientation, then the OS should respect that choice and rotate the UI and all running programs to match.
Where other phones/devices get in "trouble" is when they cease to respect their owner. We, Ubuntu, should not fall into that trap.