I can see this too.
I found the following facts:
- if you run xdg-user-dirs-update after removing the .config/user-dirs.dirs file, it regenerates it without translating the ~/Desktop name, but everything else is translated.
- if you run xdg-user-dirs-update --force, the ~/Desktop name is translated too.
- /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60xdg-user-dirs-update runs xdg-user-dirs-update without the --force option.
I can see this too. dirs-update after removing the .config/ user-dirs. dirs file, it regenerates it without translating the ~/Desktop name, but everything else is translated. dirs-update --force, the ~/Desktop name is translated too. Xsession. d/60xdg- user-dirs- update runs xdg-user- dirs-update without the --force option.
I found the following facts:
- if you run xdg-user-
- if you run xdg-user-
- /etc/X11/