Comment 3 for bug 1634092

Revision history for this message
N. Gineer (n-gineer) wrote :

Hi Kyle,

I think I have to clarify what I mean.

I don't need to see received messages.

I wanted to point out that the code has a bug:
The aggregated Texts Scope disappears from the Today Scope under certain circumstances. I am sure that the disappearance is not intended by the developers. (E.g. in this case you cannot open the not-aggregated Texts Scope from the Today Scope anymore, though the aggregation of the Texts Scope is selected in the Today Scope settings.)

Currently the code works as follows:

Case A: You did neither send nor receive any messages today -> "No Messages Today" in Today Scope.

Case B: You did receive, but did not send any messages -> Newest received message in Today Scope.

Case C: You did send and receive messages -> Newest received message in Today Scope.

Case D: You did send, but did not receive an messages -> The aggregated Texts Scope disappears from the Today Scope, instead of displaying "No Messages Today".

The reason is, in case D, in "query.cpp", "run()" never sets the CategorisedResult "res" and never executes the line "reply->push(res)".

The solution could be as simple as to move the "if" block 414-423 after the "for" loop (after line 452) and to omit the if condition. (If any received messages are found, the function exits from inside the "for" loop, and the "No Messages Today" part is not executed.)