Hi Rüdiger.
I just checked [1] and the Holidays scope name is translated into German. The scope only needs to be released. I have just made a 1.2 version of the scope click pkg and we can release it.
Thanks for identifying this!
Cheers, Kyle
[1] https://translations.launchpad.net/holidays/trunk/+pots/holidays/de/+translate?batch=10&show=all&search=holidays
Hi Rüdiger.
I just checked [1] and the Holidays scope name is translated into German. The scope only needs to be released. I have just made a 1.2 version of the scope click pkg and we can release it.
Thanks for identifying this!
[1] https:/ /translations. launchpad. net/holidays/ trunk/+ pots/holidays/ de/+translate? batch=10& show=all& search= holidays