Comment 21 for bug 1325571

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Kajetan (kajetan-krischan) wrote :

I found out a few things:

It seems that I called dash in a wrong way:
whenever I enter a nonexisting command I get "dash: <n>: not found" where <n> is the number of how many commands I have already entered in this session. So in my case "dash: 1: Scripts/testscript: Permission denied" just means that it can't be executed and that it is the first command I ran...

Before trying to use chsh I'd like to mention that I found out another thing:
my actual home directory (which lies in "/userdata/user-data/phablet/") is only mounted to "/home". When I cd to this directory I am able to run my scripts in bash and in dash (when I call them using ". ./testscript" or when I use "./testscript"). This path is neither specified in $PATH nor is it in any other environment variable except PWD (this makes sense to me) (I used "printenv | grep user-data").

So it has to have something to do with the mount options of my home directory.
("/userdata/user-data /home none bind 0 0" in my /etc/fstab means that the contents of "/userdata/user-data/" are mounted to "/home" if I understood everything correctly)

It also seems that my /etc/fstab file is mounted as tmpfs and it always changes back to its original state on a reboot.