2015-07-07 0:38 GMT+09:00 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <email address hidden>:
> On 07/06/2015 05:14 PM, Nobuto Murata wrote:> On 06/23/2015 07:42 PM, tomoe_musashi wrote:
>>> and of course, i still hope that ubuntu could drop those
>>> 69-language-selector fontconfig files, just like what F13 did.
>> Can you explain a bit how F13 dropped the files? In Ubuntu, language-
>> selector no longer manages fontconfig files.
> Actually it does. The Japanese fontconfig files were moved to fonts-
> takao, but there are still a bunch of 69-language-selector-zh-* files,
> and I think tomoe_musashi is referring to those.
Ah, right. I thought CJK related files were moved when
fontconfig-voodoo was dropped. Thanks for the correction.
2015-07-07 0:38 GMT+09:00 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <email address hidden>: selector fontconfig files, just like what F13 did. selector- zh-* files,
> On 07/06/2015 05:14 PM, Nobuto Murata wrote:> On 06/23/2015 07:42 PM, tomoe_musashi wrote:
>>> and of course, i still hope that ubuntu could drop those
>>> 69-language-
>> Can you explain a bit how F13 dropped the files? In Ubuntu, language-
>> selector no longer manages fontconfig files.
> Actually it does. The Japanese fontconfig files were moved to fonts-
> takao, but there are still a bunch of 69-language-
> and I think tomoe_musashi is referring to those.
Ah, right. I thought CJK related files were moved when
fontconfig-voodoo was dropped. Thanks for the correction.