Font weight isn't specified in the fontconfig files. For simplified Chinese, fc-match lists them in this order:
$ LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 fc-match -a | head -7 NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "DemiLight" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Regular" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Medium" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Thin" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Light" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Bold" NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Black"
Possibly it means that "DemiLight" is used by default. How would you specify font weight in fontconfig?
Font weight isn't specified in the fontconfig files. For simplified Chinese, fc-match lists them in this order:
$ LC_CTYPE= zh_CN.UTF- 8 fc-match -a | head -7
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "DemiLight"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Regular"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Medium"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Thin"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Light"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Bold"
NotoSansCJK.ttc: "Noto Sans CJK SC" "Black"
Possibly it means that "DemiLight" is used by default. How would you specify font weight in fontconfig?