Seems that the APN entry in comment #7 is fine, from joc's log:
Provisioning for MCC 234, MNC 10, SPN 'giffgaff',...
and he was able to start a data connection:
[ /ril_0/context1 ] Active = 1 Name = giffgaff Type = internet MessageProxy = Protocol = ip Username = giffgaff Settings = { DomainNameServers=,, Interface=ccmni0 Gateway= Netmask= Address= Method=static } AccessPointName = MessageCenter = Password = IPv6.Settings = { }
Seems that the APN entry in comment #7 is fine, from joc's log:
Provisioning for MCC 234, MNC 10, SPN 'giffgaff',...
and he was able to start a data connection:
[ /ril_0/context1 ]
MessageProxy = rs=82.132. 254.2,82. 132.254. 3, Interface=ccmni0 Gateway= 10.145. 200.8 Netmask= 255.255. 255.0 Address= 10.145. 200.8 Method=static }
AccessPointNam e =
MessageCenter = http:// mmsc.mediamessa uk:8002
IPv6.Settings = { }
Active = 1
Name = giffgaff
Type = internet
Protocol = ip
Username = giffgaff
Settings = { DomainNameServe
Password =