language-selector is committed and will be released to jax with 5/9 project/image. It is hooked up to the Settings > Languages flash widget.
With this build we have modified the approach to setting the default and the next language/locale.
Previously, the language (and therefore locale) was set in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/25ume-config-common_startup by the LANG variable. For example: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 to launch in English/Great Britain locale.
Now, the boot language and locale is set by the /etc/default/locale file. I add this file to the image in ume-conf-common pkg. (Normally it is created, I think, during installation process when user selects their language, but since we don't use that, the file was never created.) I create it with permissions of 666 to enable all to read and write it, which enables language-sector to access it, even when language-selector is launched without sudo permissions.
Note that if we want different images to launch into different default locales on first boot, we can move this file to image specific config packages and modify it accordingly.
Note also that making the gtk text font size smaller resolved the issue of the UI not fitting on the screen.
language-selector is committed and will be released to jax with 5/9 project/image. It is hooked up to the Settings > Languages flash widget.
With this build we have modified the approach to setting the default and the next language/locale.
Previously, the language (and therefore locale) was set in /etc/X11/ Xsession. d/25ume- config- common_ startup by the LANG variable. For example: LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 to launch in English/Great Britain locale.
Now, the boot language and locale is set by the /etc/default/locale file. I add this file to the image in ume-conf-common pkg. (Normally it is created, I think, during installation process when user selects their language, but since we don't use that, the file was never created.) I create it with permissions of 666 to enable all to read and write it, which enables language-sector to access it, even when language-selector is launched without sudo permissions.
Note that if we want different images to launch into different default locales on first boot, we can move this file to image specific config packages and modify it accordingly.
Note also that making the gtk text font size smaller resolved the issue of the UI not fitting on the screen.