There seems to be two problems with this testsuite. The very first testcase to be run (ubuntu_performance_fio.ubuntu-performance-fio-michael-sdb-mb1000gdunu-zfs-rd-0-wr-100-rand-blk-128k-jobs-16) times out, probably leaving a dirty environment with "/mnt/autotest-fio" still mounted which causes the all the other tests to prematurely fail as well.
There seems to be two problems with this testsuite. The very first testcase to be run (ubuntu_ performance_ fio.ubuntu- performance- fio-michael- sdb-mb1000gdunu -zfs-rd- 0-wr-100- rand-blk- 128k-jobs- 16) times out, probably leaving a dirty environment with "/mnt/autotest-fio" still mounted which causes the all the other tests to prematurely fail as well.