Comment 5 for bug 2000083

Revision history for this message
Mike Ferreira (mafoelffen) wrote (last edit ):

In "Something Else", choosing "ZFS Root Filesystem" results in an automatic "Installation Failed" as soon as the installer starts... As if that option is not there nor workable. Does this Bug Report need to evolve into that? Or start a new one?

Should I upload the installer logs? It doesn't crash. The staus message just stays at "installation failed."

As soon as the Lunar Repo's were available, I've been building ZFS install's off both the Desktop and Server Edition ISO "MANUALLY", with a bpool. zfs native encrypted rpool & swaps, and homepool... And doing ZFS RAIDd and RAIDz... With native Solaris Root. Solaris Boot, Solaris Home, and Solaris Swap partitions. I know the underlying framework works with Lunar.