I have tried and failed following approach:
1. Get initial contentY. I have managed to get that only under certain actions. I don't have complete solution.
2. Now when I have contentY I tried to reposition numpad (or ListView's header - our ListView is from bottom to top). However it looks like that's not working (nothing unexpected).
Therefore alternative approach is to move numpad (header) outside of ListView but I suspect that we will have problem with history scrolling. As we will need to resize ListView's size during scroll that most probably will not work as we would like to.
At the moment I tend towards: impossible to implement.
I have tried and failed following approach:
1. Get initial contentY. I have managed to get that only under certain actions. I don't have complete solution.
2. Now when I have contentY I tried to reposition numpad (or ListView's header - our ListView is from bottom to top). However it looks like that's not working (nothing unexpected).
Therefore alternative approach is to move numpad (header) outside of ListView but I suspect that we will have problem with history scrolling. As we will need to resize ListView's size during scroll that most probably will not work as we would like to.
At the moment I tend towards: impossible to implement.