First version of a design from Emily Maher (Canonical Design). Nick Tait notes that:
"It incorporates the following:
CMYK, RGB and Greyscale colour blocks
Ubuntu dot pattern
Keyline for printer nozzle check"
Emily has typeset the printer info in a set position using Ubuntu monospace.
Lars: can you auto-generate the bottom half from 'bannertopdf' at run-time?
Notes from looking at the PDF source:
1. The RGB colours are being set using the 'K' command (CMYK colour operator), rather than 'RG' (RGB colour operator).
2. There a massive load of RDF fluff that could be trimmed, including preview JPEGs
3. Each dot is being drawn a separate push stack, set matrix, moveto 0,0 four arc commands, etc. This could be optimised a bit.
4. The embedded font is referencing the name 'UbuntuMonospacedBeta'.
This are all minor technical issues and shouldn't affect the design/implementation.
First version of a design from Emily Maher (Canonical Design). Nick Tait notes that:
"It incorporates the following:
CMYK, RGB and Greyscale colour blocks
Ubuntu dot pattern
Keyline for printer nozzle check"
Emily has typeset the printer info in a set position using Ubuntu monospace.
Lars: can you auto-generate the bottom half from 'bannertopdf' at run-time?
Notes from looking at the PDF source:
1. The RGB colours are being set using the 'K' command (CMYK colour operator), rather than 'RG' (RGB colour operator). edBeta' .
2. There a massive load of RDF fluff that could be trimmed, including preview JPEGs
3. Each dot is being drawn a separate push stack, set matrix, moveto 0,0 four arc commands, etc. This could be optimised a bit.
4. The embedded font is referencing the name 'UbuntuMonospac
This are all minor technical issues and shouldn't affect the design/ implementation.