If this is accepted, this will get out of hand at some point.
I can see Google Chrome doing the same etc.
Do we want to have a Linux distro for human beings that is plastered with EULAs?
I just don't. Reading EULAs is not software freedom IMNSHO.
Taking Iceweasel and telling users that it based on Firefox so that they know where to look for addons etc might be a good option.
It will be interesting to see how Novell and Red Hat handle this. ( Or Fedora and OpenSuse for that matter. )
( A hostile aproach would be to change the Firefox ID (or whatever) so that Google does not pay Mozilla for all the google searches _we_ do. Losing a few million Ubuntu heavy users might persuade Mozilla to treat their users a bit more respectfully and not bother them with EULAs. But I am not sugesting that. Just wanted to mention it. )
If this is accepted, this will get out of hand at some point.
I can see Google Chrome doing the same etc.
Do we want to have a Linux distro for human beings that is plastered with EULAs?
I just don't. Reading EULAs is not software freedom IMNSHO.
Taking Iceweasel and telling users that it based on Firefox so that they know where to look for addons etc might be a good option.
It will be interesting to see how Novell and Red Hat handle this. ( Or Fedora and OpenSuse for that matter. )
( A hostile aproach would be to change the Firefox ID (or whatever) so that Google does not pay Mozilla for all the google searches _we_ do. Losing a few million Ubuntu heavy users might persuade Mozilla to treat their users a bit more respectfully and not bother them with EULAs. But I am not sugesting that. Just wanted to mention it. )