Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Jenkins Branch: master
commit ee68999ed22f91d6064879bdff3d113e7133cc44 Author: Ladislav Smola <email address hidden> Date: Thu Apr 3 12:32:12 2014 +0200
Catching 500 from heat during stack-create
-fixing very weird behaviour, that returns 500 from heat, for a while after a stack-create if we call resource-list -this is some internal heat error trying to access not existent nova instance
Fixes-bug: #1301787 Change-Id: I9728affed707cc509b5ea466d87bf8835959e5bf
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/84988 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tuskar- ui/commit/ ?id=ee68999ed22 f91d6064879bdff 3d113e7133cc44
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit ee68999ed22f91d 6064879bdff3d11 3e7133cc44
Author: Ladislav Smola <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 3 12:32:12 2014 +0200
Catching 500 from heat during stack-create
-fixing very weird behaviour, that returns 500
from heat, for a while after a stack-create
if we call resource-list
-this is some internal heat error trying to access
not existent nova instance
Fixes-bug: #1301787 509b5ea466d87bf 8835959e5bf
Change-Id: I9728affed707cc