i see some neutron server error logs in the controller errors.txt [1]. I also sanity checked with a green run at [2] and they aren't there so it seems related:
2023-05-14 00:36:28.911 ERROR /var/log/containers/neutron/server.log: 15 ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.managers [req-af23228f-547b-4023-b933-5c0fceb32c66 - - - - -] Mechanism driver 'ovn' failed in update_port_postcommit: oslo_db.exception.DBReferenceError: (pymysql.err.IntegrityError) (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ovs_neutron`.`ovn_revision_numbers`, CONSTRAINT `ovn_revision_numbers_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`standard_attr_id`) REFERENCES `standardattributes` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL)')
looking on the compute node [3] you can see the resize error is indeed due to ssh problem so might be network related:
2023-05-13 23:51:46.256 ERROR /var/log/containers/nova/nova-compute.log: 2 ERROR oslo_messaging.rpc.server [req-d36d6991-2599-4b40-9586-31bbe1126f61 d4dee3e61d514d0cb74e49b3e799164b d93ab13606cb468d98bff5635c82be00 - default default] Exception during message handling: nova.exception.ResizeError: Resize error: not able to execute ssh command: Unexpected error while running command.
i see some neutron server error logs in the controller errors.txt [1]. I also sanity checked with a green run at [2] and they aren't there so it seems related:
2023-05-14 00:36:28.911 ERROR /var/log/ containers/ neutron/ server. log: 15 ERROR neutron. plugins. ml2.managers [req-af23228f- 547b-4023- b933-5c0fceb32c 66 - - - - -] Mechanism driver 'ovn' failed in update_ port_postcommit : oslo_db. exception. DBReferenceErro r: (pymysql. err.IntegrityEr ror) (1452, 'Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`ovs_neutron` .`ovn_revision_ numbers` , CONSTRAINT `ovn_revision_ numbers_ ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`standard_ attr_id` ) REFERENCES `standardattrib utes` (`id`) ON DELETE SET NULL)')
looking on the compute node [3] you can see the resize error is indeed due to ssh problem so might be network related:
2023-05-13 23:51:46.256 ERROR /var/log/ containers/ nova/nova- compute. log: 2 ERROR oslo_messaging. rpc.server [req-d36d6991- 2599-4b40- 9586-31bbe1126f 61 d4dee3e61d514d0 cb74e49b3e79916 4b d93ab13606cb468 d98bff5635c82be 00 - default default] Exception during message handling: nova.exception. ResizeError: Resize error: not able to execute ssh command: Unexpected error while running command.
[1] https:/ /logserver. rdoproject. org/openstack- periodic- integration- stable1/ opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- ci/master/ periodic- tripleo- ci-centos- 9-ovb-1ctlr_ 2comp-featurese t020-wallaby/ 6af54cd/ logs/overcloud- controller- 0/var/log/ extra/errors. txt.gz
[2] (green run for sanity check) https:/ /logserver. rdoproject. org/openstack- periodic- integration- stable1/ opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- ci/master/ periodic- tripleo- ci-centos- 9-ovb-1ctlr_ 2comp-featurese t020-wallaby/ 0fa8583/ logs/overcloud- controller- 0/var/log/ extra/errors. txt.gz
[3] https:/ /logserver. rdoproject. org/openstack- periodic- integration- stable1/ opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- ci/master/ periodic- tripleo- ci-centos- 9-ovb-1ctlr_ 2comp-featurese t020-wallaby/ 6af54cd/ logs/overcloud- novacompute- 0/var/log/ extra/errors. txt.gz