Also, skip_install=True without any deps causes the following task
failure in CI, because the log directory is no longer created. This
change ensures we use the individual environment instead of using
a different environment.
TASK [tox : Install any sibling python packages]
ubuntu-jammy | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Also includes Ia66c28fb935a127102982f8b644397fd35b09a96.
Closes-Bug: #2000357
Co-Authored-By: Rabi Mishra <email address hidden>
Change-Id: I638649e0722011ad39cc94f0cc0bfcf65cf1518b
(cherry picked from commit 93c21833829cc5731057586e9c5cb2140ea2d646)
(cherry picked from commit c30505b0a89d3a0f8f2a69044d28a9daad0d98a2)
(cherry picked from commit 9532e28e579016ad17d5a29ead2c231f38af191d)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- common/ +/869039 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- common/ commit/ 8a72ca13e9b0325 cf94e5b2f477252 10f1b98835
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 8a72ca13e9b0325 cf94e5b2f477252 10f1b98835
Author: Takashi Kajinami <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 23 16:17:37 2022 +0900
Adapt to tox 4.x
skipdist=True does not work with latest tox 4.x.
Also, skip_install=True without any deps causes the following task
failure in CI, because the log directory is no longer created. This
change ensures we use the individual environment instead of using
a different environment.
TASK [tox : Install any sibling python packages] zuul/src/ opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- common/ .tox/pep8/ log/ siblings. txt'
ubuntu-jammy | FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
Also includes Ia66c28fb935a12 7102982f8b64439 7fd35b09a96.
Closes-Bug: #2000357 ad39cc94f0cc0bf cf65cf1518b 31057586e9c5cb2 140ea2d646) f8f2a69044d28a9 daad0d98a2) d17d5a29ead2c23 1f38af191d)
Co-Authored-By: Rabi Mishra <email address hidden>
Change-Id: I638649e0722011
(cherry picked from commit 93c21833829cc57
(cherry picked from commit c30505b0a89d3a0
(cherry picked from commit 9532e28e579016a