Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: "Zuul (22348)" Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 3fc9478a863980e4448434f413ff3e878ccf04ab Author: Luca Miccini <email address hidden> Date: Mon Nov 28 19:38:15 2022 +0100
Use --force when creating pacemaker resources
pcs-0.10.14-6 introduced enforce validation at resources creation time. Unfortunately this doesn't work in our use case as puppet runs on the host but the necessary binaries are installed inside the containers.
Let's try using --force to workaround.
Conflicts: deployment/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-messaging-rpc-pacemaker-puppet.yaml
Closes-Bug: #1997939
Change-Id: Id7616ebceb820d9799661c0fbc5f3f234f421ea3 (cherry picked from commit 59300dfb30c5ee9c8186ee4b28f9c57e9b345647) (cherry picked from commit fde20f941d0452d875ade3c86caf0a7ed34b789f)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- heat-templates/ +/865935 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- heat-templates/ commit/ 3fc9478a863980e 4448434f413ff3e 878ccf04ab
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 3fc9478a863980e 4448434f413ff3e 878ccf04ab
Author: Luca Miccini <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 28 19:38:15 2022 +0100
Use --force when creating pacemaker resources
pcs-0.10.14-6 introduced enforce validation at resources creation time.
Unfortunately this doesn't work in our use case as puppet runs on the
host but the necessary binaries are installed inside the containers.
Let's try using --force to workaround.
deployment /rabbitmq/ rabbitmq- messaging- rpc-pacemaker- puppet. yaml
Closes-Bug: #1997939
Change-Id: Id7616ebceb820d 9799661c0fbc5f3 f234f421ea3 c8186ee4b28f9c5 7e9b345647) 875ade3c86caf0a 7ed34b789f)
(cherry picked from commit 59300dfb30c5ee9
(cherry picked from commit fde20f941d0452d