a slight improvement in latest runs... none in master [1] one for wallaby/9 [2] but a few for train [3]
I will try and get a node hold but it is tricky as this is inconsistent.
I'll try re-running those same train jobs lets see
[1] https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/cf05ba782561462bb009e489fed49854 [2] https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/dfb198613ff344ed8807d849e0c42f56 [3] https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/buildset/c8650794203747d9aac787f76a8b3749
a slight improvement in latest runs... none in master [1] one for wallaby/9 [2] but a few for train [3]
I will try and get a node hold but it is tricky as this is inconsistent.
I'll try re-running those same train jobs lets see
[1] https:/ /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ buildset/ cf05ba782561462 bb009e489fed498 54 /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ buildset/ dfb198613ff344e d8807d849e0c42f 56 /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ buildset/ c8650794203747d 9aac787f76a8b37 49
[2] https:/
[3] https:/