The above only happens when container images are built without specifying the right base container - - in this case - otherwise it defaults to ubi8.
Without building containers, there is still the error:
: line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'",
When building containers with the correct base image defined the base container builds.
The deploy still fails with:
022-08-02 18:06:04.597268 | fa163e65-6417-1e82-9729-00000000022d | FATAL | Ensure packages are actually well installed | standalone | error={"changed": true, "cmd": ["rpm", "-V", "lvm2", "jq", "openvswitch", "openstack-heat-agents", "openstack-selinux", "os-net-config", "python3-libselinux", "python3-pyyaml", "puppet-tripleo", "rsync", "tmpwatch", "sysstat"], "delta": "0:00:01.106041", "end": "2022-08-02 18:06:04.566316", "failed_when_result": true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2022-08-02 18:06:03.460275", "stderr": "error: %verify(openstack-selinux-0.8.34-0.20220727174553.c3061f5.el9.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2", "stderr_lines": ["error: %verify(openstack-selinux-0.8.34-0.20220727174553.c3061f5.el9.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2"], "stdout": "package openvswitch is not installed\n/usr/share/openstack-selinux/0.8.34/ line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'\n/usr/share/openstack-selinux/0.8.34/ line 121: ` if [ $? -le 2 ];; then'", "stdout_lines": ["package openvswitch is not installed", "/usr/share/openstack-selinux/0.8.34/ line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'", "/usr/share/openstack-selinux/0.8.34/ line 121: ` if [ $? -le 2 ];; then'"]}
Rekicked the line to pick up latest changes - looks to be fixed now.
The above only happens when container images are built without specifying the right base container - registry. access. redhat. com/ubi9 - in this case - otherwise it defaults to ubi8.
Without building containers, there is still the error:
: line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'",
When building containers with the correct base image defined the base container builds.
The deploy still fails with:
022-08-02 18:06:04.597268 | fa163e65- 6417-1e82- 9729-0000000002 2d | FATAL | Ensure packages are actually well installed | standalone | error={"changed": true, "cmd": ["rpm", "-V", "lvm2", "jq", "openvswitch", "openstack- heat-agents" , "openstack- selinux" , "os-net-config", "python3- libselinux" , "python3-pyyaml", "puppet-tripleo", "rsync", "tmpwatch", "sysstat"], "delta": "0:00:01.106041", "end": "2022-08-02 18:06:04.566316", "failed_ when_result" : true, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 2, "start": "2022-08-02 18:06:03.460275", "stderr": "error: %verify( openstack- selinux- 0.8.34- 0.2022072717455 3.c3061f5. el9.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2", "stderr_lines": ["error: %verify( openstack- selinux- 0.8.34- 0.2022072717455 3.c3061f5. el9.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 2"], "stdout": "package openvswitch is not installed\ n/usr/share/ openstack- selinux/ 0.8.34/ local_settings. sh: line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'\n/ usr/share/ openstack- selinux/ 0.8.34/ local_settings. sh: line 121: ` if [ $? -le 2 ];; then'", "stdout_lines": ["package openvswitch is not installed", "/usr/share/ openstack- selinux/ 0.8.34/ local_settings. sh: line 121: syntax error near unexpected token `;;'", "/usr/share/ openstack- selinux/ 0.8.34/ local_settings. sh: line 121: ` if [ $? -le 2 ];; then'"]}
Rekicked the line to pick up latest changes - looks to be fixed now.