Looks like we're using the *master* upper constraints here [1]
* oslo.db===11.3.0
But we should be using the wallaby one at [2]
* oslo.db===8.5.1
[1] https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/7ac0e631833ee8c33b42ddbcc23be89c05dcc658/upper-constraints.txt#L478
[2] https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/20be78e7b3ef4c3e43ad06745e5ffcb0f1a87576/upper-constraints.txt#L466
Looks like we're using the *master* upper constraints here [1]
* oslo.db===11.3.0
But we should be using the wallaby one at [2]
* oslo.db===8.5.1
[1] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ requirements/ blob/7ac0e63183 3ee8c33b42ddbcc 23be89c05dcc658 /upper- constraints. txt#L478
[2] https:/ /github. com/openstack/ requirements/ blob/20be78e7b3 ef4c3e43ad06745 e5ffcb0f1a87576 /upper- constraints. txt#L466