When the Galera is configured to use mariabackup, the
synchronization takes place by connecting to the
database with configuratble user credentials.
Generate a random password for this use case.
Related-Bug: #1973872
(Fixed merge conflict manually to prevent backporting
Ic7ff36a5f3f4eceeb6c8a338093e956b7db00533 with it)
Change-Id: I1509bd30fbd253790b17e04ef15dca6c58de7311
(cherry picked from commit 105a0c86276b7a27000707d35c760fc7d51905d0)
(cherry picked from commit a1f50b819bcc9bf078876511de1c9bb2f24d2d05)
(manually fixed cherry pick backport in test plan)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- common/ +/851001 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- common/ commit/ dfc51dd05c9737c ab2a5dd01e085c0 7e5883eaae
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/train
commit dfc51dd05c9737c ab2a5dd01e085c0 7e5883eaae
Author: Damien Ciabrini <email address hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 1 16:05:47 2022 +0200
New dedicated user for Galera SST synchronization
When the Galera is configured to use mariabackup, the
synchronization takes place by connecting to the
database with configuratble user credentials.
Generate a random password for this use case.
Related-Bug: #1973872
(Fixed merge conflict manually to prevent backporting f4eceeb6c8a3380 93e956b7db00533 with it)
Change-Id: I1509bd30fbd253 790b17e04ef15dc a6c58de7311 7000707d35c760f c7d51905d0) 078876511de1c9b b2f24d2d05)
(cherry picked from commit 105a0c86276b7a2
(cherry picked from commit a1f50b819bcc9bf
(manually fixed cherry pick backport in test plan)