We reverted back bump of python-smmap in [1], affected jobs are back to green.
[1] https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdoinfo/+/42757 [2]
~~~ tripleo-ci-centos-9-undercloud-upgrade https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/build/6248f4c01d86423cafc2f5371f673331 : SUCCESS in 1h 01m 31s periodic-tripleo-centos-9-buildimage-ironic-python-agent-master https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/build/b0dd6db972514c019c3a6acd70f59f50 : SUCCESS in 30m 12s periodic-tripleo-centos-9-buildimage-overcloud-hardened-uefi-full-master https://review.rdoproject.org/zuul/build/c74c2b4ed8b44303bbd6ecdb57f88188 : SUCCESS in 31m 51s ~~~
We reverted back bump of python-smmap in [1], affected jobs are back to green.
[1] https:/ /review. rdoproject. org/r/c/ rdoinfo/ +/42757
~~~ ci-centos- 9-undercloud- upgrade https:/ /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ build/6248f4c01 d86423cafc2f537 1f673331 : SUCCESS in 1h 01m 31s tripleo- centos- 9-buildimage- ironic- python- agent-master https:/ /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ build/b0dd6db97 2514c019c3a6acd 70f59f50 : SUCCESS in 30m 12s tripleo- centos- 9-buildimage- overcloud- hardened- uefi-full- master https:/ /review. rdoproject. org/zuul/ build/c74c2b4ed 8b44303bbd6ecdb 57f88188 : SUCCESS in 31m 51s