commit 665450045824726296d3c9b7a0b4e138231d42f9
Author: John Fulton <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Mar 26 16:12:19 2022 -0400
Pass CephClusterName in deployed Ceph template
If the user overrides the tripleo_cephadm_cluster variable,
then we should pass the same value through to the deployed
Ceph template to ensure that it is consistent during overcloud
Also, make ApplyCephConfigOverridesOnUpdate the last parameter
in the template so that it is easier for users to see and follow
the commented recommendation.
Related-Bug: #1966559
Change-Id: I4daab327c0bdac2bcc569cc1d8d629c648ddf292
(cherry picked from commit c4136fc8f5e3a50668a6107aee1e5fc3535a6781)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- ansible/ +/835507 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- ansible/ commit/ 665450045824726 296d3c9b7a0b4e1 38231d42f9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 665450045824726 296d3c9b7a0b4e1 38231d42f9
Author: John Fulton <email address hidden>
Date: Sat Mar 26 16:12:19 2022 -0400
Pass CephClusterName in deployed Ceph template
If the user overrides the tripleo_ cephadm_ cluster variable,
then we should pass the same value through to the deployed
Ceph template to ensure that it is consistent during overcloud
Also, make ApplyCephConfig OverridesOnUpda te the last parameter
in the template so that it is easier for users to see and follow
the commented recommendation.
Related-Bug: #1966559 2bcc569cc1d8d62 9c648ddf292 668a6107aee1e5f c3535a6781)
Change-Id: I4daab327c0bdac
(cherry picked from commit c4136fc8f5e3a50