I don't think so, that log is the same even for green jobs (e.g. [1]) and that kind of error is ignored (see the osd [2] running).
I see the same task (Gather podman infos) is run for each step, and I guess it's used to manage the container order according to the info retrieved, so we should reproduce this error providing more logs on that specific task.
I don't think so, that log is the same even for green jobs (e.g. [1]) and that kind of error is ignored (see the osd [2] running).
I see the same task (Gather podman infos) is run for each step, and I guess it's used to manage the container order according to the info retrieved, so we should reproduce this error providing more logs on that specific task.
[1] https:/ /storage. gra.cloud. ovh.net/ v1/AUTH_ dcaab5e32b234d5 6b626f72581e364 4c/zuul_ opendev_ logs_f9b/ 778915/ 17/check/ tripleo- ci-centos- 8-scenario001- standalone/ f9b3777/ logs/undercloud /var/log/ ceph/4b5c8c0a- ff60-454b- a1b4-9747aa737d 19/ceph- volume. log
[2] https:/ /storage. gra.cloud. ovh.net/ v1/AUTH_ dcaab5e32b234d5 6b626f72581e364 4c/zuul_ opendev_ logs_c5d/ 778083/ 2/gate/ tripleo- ci-centos- 8-scenario001- standalone/ c5dd110/ logs/undercloud /var/log/ ceph/4b5c8c0a- ff60-454b- a1b4-9747aa737d 19/ceph- osd.0.log