During Queens release cycle it was decided that
clients_keystone/auth_uri should be defined and should point to
public URL to allow instances run some API calls.
Two changes were added:
- I4429d86d831f49f1bc0fef04379a81ada20b6ab6 was used to add
related definitions to puppet-heat
- Ib1cb8a5da886e3f7afd88f8dc9d63f0847f677bd was used to add
appropriate hiera defition to THT
But hiera definition in THT was incorrect:
heat::heat_keystone_clients_url was defined instead of
heat_clients_keystone_uri parameter was removed from puppet-heat
during Train release cycle:
Partial-Bug: #1916386
Change-Id: I2797da50489e3812aa58415e2e6ba44894a89094
(cherry picked from commit dc083686dee210a1b81a32da2ff1f1a0f17ec324)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/c/openstack /tripleo- heat-templates/ +/796656 /opendev. org/openstack/ tripleo- heat-templates/ commit/ 5e941e4ef217fdb 58429045809c459 2f3ce03b33
Committed: https:/
Submitter: "Zuul (22348)"
Branch: stable/wallaby
commit 5e941e4ef217fdb 58429045809c459 2f3ce03b33
Author: Alexey Stupnikov <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Apr 15 14:55:49 2021 +0200
Remove heat::heat_ keystone_ clients_ url definition
During Queens release cycle it was decided that keystone/ auth_uri should be defined and should point to
public URL to allow instances run some API calls.
Two changes were added:
- I4429d86d831f49 f1bc0fef04379a8 1ada20b6ab6 was used to add f7afd88f8dc9d63 f0847f677bd was used to add
related definitions to puppet-heat
- Ib1cb8a5da886e3
appropriate hiera defition to THT
But hiera definition in THT was incorrect: :heat_keystone_ clients_ url was defined instead of :heat_clients_ keystone_ uri.
heat_ clients_ keystone_ uri parameter was removed from puppet-heat face5f8de35d18b fb546a653c6ef51
during Train release cycle:
Partial-Bug: #1916386 12aa58415e2e6ba 44894a89094 1b81a32da2ff1f1 a0f17ec324)
Change-Id: I2797da50489e38
(cherry picked from commit dc083686dee210a