Comment 0 for bug 1889478

Revision history for this message
Wojciech (suzumushi) wrote : Error updating parameters for plan Error validating environment for plan az1-sse6: ERROR: Request limit e xceeded: JSON body size (15799483 bytes) exceeds maximum allowed size (8194304 bytes).

Error updating parameters for plan central: Error validating environment for plan central: ERROR: Request limit exceeded: JSON body size (15799483 bytes) exceeds maximum allowed size (8194304 bytes).

using solution from
helped only for few more deployments

increasing max_template_size to 8194304 bytes helped for about 10 redeployments, after that above error occured again
so it's defenetley related to size increase with every deployment (and it's related to whatever plan i'm trying to deploy)

Steps to reproduce
1) deploy one or more stacks
2) make small corrections to template deployments, redeploy few times
3) error will occur

Expected result
sucessfull deployment

1. Exact version of OpenStack you are running.
ussuri from