Some containers doesn't have the "default" user set to root (which is
good). This lead to healthcheck_port() function to return a message
because the non-root user isn't allowed to call "ss" command as itself.
Ensuring we're running the healthchecks as root will also allow to stop
duplicating some commands, making them faster and smaller for the
This was discovered and discussed on Red Hat bugzilla first, then ported
to Launchpad.
Change-Id: I2e49d4dd5b385237f4f79929c70365424f6fa22d
Closes-Bug: 1860569
(cherry picked from commit 3012fe75aa1385896e45abf797e6adb2ee5c72ae)
(cherry picked from commit 592dab7a847140171e534bba395fcb1be42ce44e)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. opendev. org/707400 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ paunch/ commit/ ?id=754c7885f4e 86405c6206e339d bb12fc380368b9
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: stable/stein
commit 754c7885f4e8640 5c6206e339dbb12 fc380368b9
Author: Cédric Jeanneret <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Jan 22 16:11:21 2020 +0100
Execute healthchecks as root
Some containers doesn't have the "default" user set to root (which is
good). This lead to healthcheck_port() function to return a message
because the non-root user isn't allowed to call "ss" command as itself.
Ensuring we're running the healthchecks as root will also allow to stop
duplicating some commands, making them faster and smaller for the
This was discovered and discussed on Red Hat bugzilla first, then ported
to Launchpad.
Change-Id: I2e49d4dd5b3852 37f4f79929c7036 5424f6fa22d /bugzilla. redhat. com/show_ bug.cgi? id=1778881 96e45abf797e6ad b2ee5c72ae) 71e534bba395fcb 1be42ce44e)
Closes-Bug: 1860569
Related: https:/
(cherry picked from commit 3012fe75aa13858
(cherry picked from commit 592dab7a8471401