dhcp should NOT distribute an ip that is already allocated. AFAICT the heat stacks are deleted as much as possible during a CI run [1] , additionally clean up scripts are running in the background.
[1] https://github.com/rdo-infra/review.rdoproject.org-config/blob/master/roles/ovb-manage/tasks/ovb-delete-stack.yml#L33-L71
IMHO we have a bug in neutron dhcp
dhcp should NOT distribute an ip that is already allocated. AFAICT the heat stacks are deleted as much as possible during a CI run [1] , additionally clean up scripts are running in the background.
[1] https:/ /github. com/rdo- infra/review. rdoproject. org-config/ blob/master/ roles/ovb- manage/ tasks/ovb- delete- stack.yml# L33-L71
IMHO we have a bug in neutron dhcp