Reviewed: Committed: Submitter: Zuul Branch: master
commit 5c900a50a4e3087e8e95b8fcd3e9f1acaaa02172 Author: Arx Cruz <email address hidden> Date: Mon Jan 22 16:42:47 2018 +0100
Reducing tempest_workers to 1 for fs016
Usually, the concurrency is set to number of cpus / 2, however we are seeing parallelism issues with this particular featureset when tests are running in in parallel. So, let's test running the jobs without parallelism for now.
Change-Id: I78c8b0b47595eea5d8fd417548e1f5bfeecd0889 Related-Bug: #1742936
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/536395 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tripleo- quickstart/ commit/ ?id=5c900a50a4e 3087e8e95b8fcd3 e9f1acaaa02172
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Zuul
Branch: master
commit 5c900a50a4e3087 e8e95b8fcd3e9f1 acaaa02172
Author: Arx Cruz <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Jan 22 16:42:47 2018 +0100
Reducing tempest_workers to 1 for fs016
Usually, the concurrency is set to number of cpus / 2, however we are
seeing parallelism issues with this particular featureset when tests are
running in in parallel. So, let's test running the jobs without
parallelism for now.
Change-Id: I78c8b0b47595ee a5d8fd417548e1f 5bfeecd0889
Related-Bug: #1742936