We have the following in the tripleo-quickstart-extras repo for a virtual undercloud and baremetal overcloud:
It can be extended.
There is automatic doc generation for the baremetal CI jobs - which has been incomplete of late. https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo-quickstart/+bug/1661657 is to address that doc generation.
We have the following in the tripleo- quickstart- extras repo for a virtual undercloud and baremetal overcloud:
https:/ /github. com/openstack/ tripleo- quickstart- extras/ blob/master/ roles/baremetal -prep-virthost/ templates/ add-provisionin g-interface. sh.j2.
It can be extended.
There is automatic doc generation for the baremetal CI jobs - which has been incomplete of late. https:/ /bugs.launchpad .net/tripleo- quickstart/ +bug/1661657 is to address that doc generation.