commit 484d08afea34f2c87ddc673722513a3108d7dec2
Author: Ben Nemec <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 8 17:11:08 2017 +0000
Re-enable tee behavior for image builds
The previous client-based image builds tee'd the output to both a
log file and stdout. With the yaml-based image builds we lost that
behavior, which makes for a bad user experience when the console
just seems to sit there for 30 minutes while images build, with no
feedback on what's going on. In addition, due to the default
openstackclient logging configuration, we don't even see the info
message telling the user which file contains the log output.
This change uses the same method as the instack-undercloud
_run_live_command method to tee the output to both the Python
logger and the log file. It also ensures that our local logger is
configured such that info level messages will be seen.
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/431075 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tripleo- common/ commit/ ?id=484d08afea3 4f2c87ddc673722 513a3108d7dec2
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: master
commit 484d08afea34f2c 87ddc673722513a 3108d7dec2
Author: Ben Nemec <email address hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 8 17:11:08 2017 +0000
Re-enable tee behavior for image builds
The previous client-based image builds tee'd the output to both a
log file and stdout. With the yaml-based image builds we lost that
behavior, which makes for a bad user experience when the console
just seems to sit there for 30 minutes while images build, with no
feedback on what's going on. In addition, due to the default
openstackclient logging configuration, we don't even see the info
message telling the user which file contains the log output.
This change uses the same method as the instack-undercloud live_command method to tee the output to both the Python
logger and the log file. It also ensures that our local logger is
configured such that info level messages will be seen.
Change-Id: I7e17a18a8bc170 ea70955c87a84ca 401cb44aa19
Closes-Bug: 1653768
Closes-Bug: 1646226