Currently the JSON form input validator only passes if the value is a
valid JSON string. This doesn't accout for cases where a paramater
doesn't need to be set. This patch relaxes the validation rule so it
also allows the value to be an empty string.
Change-Id: I4d135120ac3041b223986eef8f54c4de24f20379
Closes-Bug: #1645266
(cherry picked from commit 537618fed2c393cb1fbc0b52f40951dd66e3373c)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/405205 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tripleo- ui/commit/ ?id=933c1fe214a 5f4c516a63ecfb4 1f8becea0530fd
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit 933c1fe214a5f4c 516a63ecfb41f8b ecea0530fd
Author: Florian Fuchs <email address hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 28 12:25:48 2016 +0100
Relax JSON input validation
Currently the JSON form input validator only passes if the value is a
valid JSON string. This doesn't accout for cases where a paramater
doesn't need to be set. This patch relaxes the validation rule so it
also allows the value to be an empty string.
Change-Id: I4d135120ac3041 b223986eef8f54c 4de24f20379 b1fbc0b52f40951 dd66e3373c)
Closes-Bug: #1645266
(cherry picked from commit 537618fed2c393c