'user' is required or puppet-ceph will complain that the Keystone_user
has no title:
Evaluation Error: Missing title. The title expression resulted in undef
at /etc/puppet/modules/ceph/manifests/rgw/keystone/auth.pp
The value is set to Swift, as we use the same credentials as Swift
Closes-Bug: #1642524
Change-Id: Ib4a7c07086b0b3354c8e589612f330ecdffdc637
(cherry picked from commit f33475840c871f4fc6f638577e25733d60dba94a)
Reviewed: https:/ /review. openstack. org/423526 /git.openstack. org/cgit/ openstack/ tripleo- heat-templates/ commit/ ?id=c705c5fa9b0 b8136e1129ccd88 15e0dcfc0b1e22
Committed: https:/
Submitter: Jenkins
Branch: stable/newton
commit c705c5fa9b0b813 6e1129ccd8815e0 dcfc0b1e22
Author: Emilien Macchi <email address hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 1 10:00:18 2016 -0500
ceph-rgw: add missing user parameter
'user' is required or puppet-ceph will complain that the Keystone_user modules/ ceph/manifests/ rgw/keystone/ auth.pp
has no title:
Evaluation Error: Missing title. The title expression resulted in undef
at /etc/puppet/
The value is set to Swift, as we use the same credentials as Swift
Closes-Bug: #1642524 354c8e589612f33 0ecdffdc637 fc6f638577e2573 3d60dba94a)
Change-Id: Ib4a7c07086b0b3
(cherry picked from commit f33475840c871f4