DCS starts all MXOSRVRs based on the number defined in /opt/trafodion/trafodion/dcs-0.9.0/conf/servers but the moment connections are made from the 3rd party app, not all connections gets established and few of them goes into “Connecting” state.
Increasing value of maxClientCnxns from Cloudera Manager (Cloudera Manager > ZooKeeper > Configuration > Server Default Group > maxClientCnxns) didn't help.
This issue occurs on a single-node cluster but NOT multi-node cluster.
Additional details: ------- ------- -------
DCS starts all MXOSRVRs based on the number defined in /opt/trafodion/ trafodion/ dcs-0.9. 0/conf/ servers but the moment connections are made from the 3rd party app, not all connections gets established and few of them goes into “Connecting” state.
Increasing value of maxClientCnxns from Cloudera Manager (Cloudera Manager > ZooKeeper > Configuration > Server Default Group > maxClientCnxns) didn't help.
This issue occurs on a single-node cluster but NOT multi-node cluster.