I just rechecked by doing a phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending --wipe and I get the following:
root@ubuntu-phablet:/# /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-contexts
[ /ril_0 ]
[ /ril_0/context1 ]
Username = User
Protocol = ip
Name = Internet
Settings = { } IPv6.Settings = { }
Active = 0 AccessPointName = general.t-mobile.uk
Password = mms
Type = internet
I just rechecked by doing a phablet-flash cdimage-touch --pending --wipe and I get the following: phablet: /# /usr/share/ ofono/scripts/ list-contexts
IPv6.Settings = { }
AccessPointNam e = general.t-mobile.uk
[ /ril_0 ]
[ /ril_0/context1 ]
Username = User
Protocol = ip
Name = Internet
Settings = { }
Active = 0
Password = mms
Type = internet
root@ubuntu- phablet: /# nmcli c phablet: /# /usr/share/ ofono/scripts/ list-modems CallVolume org.ofono. MessageManager org.ofono. NetworkRegistra tion org.ofono. ConnectionManag er org.ofono. NetworkTime org.ofono. VoiceCallManage r org.ofono. SimManager CallVolume ]
SpeakerVolume = 0
MicrophoneVolu me = 0 MessageManager ] NetworkRegistra tion ]
LocationAreaCo de = 3218
MobileCountryC ode = 234
MobileNetworkC ode = 33 ConnectionManag er ]
RoamingAllowed = 0 NetworkTime ] VoiceCallManage r ]
EmergencyNumbe rs = 112 999 911 SimManager ]
MobileCountryC ode = 234
FixedDialing = 0
SubscriberNumb ers = 07572378845
PreferredLangu ages = en
BarredDialing = 0
CardIdentifier = 8944302031557237537
MobileNetworkC ode = 30
SubscriberIden tity = 234308342877614
[ /ril_0 ]
Features = sms net gprs sim
Emergency = 0
Powered = 1
Lockdown = 0
Interfaces = org.ofono.
Online = 1
Model = Fake Modem Model
Revision = I9250XXLJ1
Type = hardware
Serial = 351554052322998
Manufacturer = Fake Manufacturer
[ org.ofono.
Muted = 1
[ org.ofono.
[ org.ofono.
Status = registered
Strength = 19
Name = T-Mobile Orange
Mode = auto
Technology = umts
CellId = 210924067
[ org.ofono.
Powered = 1
Attached = 1
Bearer = none
Suspended = 0
[ org.ofono.
[ org.ofono.
[ org.ofono.
Retries =
LockedPins =
Present = 1
PinRequired = none
root@ubuntu- phablet: /# dpkg -l | grep network-manager
ii network-manager armhf network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)