I've got an external drive for my laptop. I want to keep my TimeVault files on said drive, so...
TimeVault should notice that it's a removable drive when I set the root save path to the drive
TimeVault should only write my backups when the drive is plugged in
TimeVault should remind me to plug in my drive when I try and make a manual snapshot and it's not plugged in
TimeVault should cache my snapshots while my drive is unplugged, and then copy them over?
TimeVault should recognize other TimeVault backups stored on drives when they are plugged in?
To achieve this I'm going to use HAL via the DBus methods.
Hmm, I've now got an itch to scratch it seems.
My ideas:
I've got an external drive for my laptop. I want to keep my TimeVault files on said drive, so...
TimeVault should notice that it's a removable drive when I set the root save path to the drive
TimeVault should only write my backups when the drive is plugged in
TimeVault should remind me to plug in my drive when I try and make a manual snapshot and it's not plugged in
TimeVault should cache my snapshots while my drive is unplugged, and then copy them over?
TimeVault should recognize other TimeVault backups stored on drives when they are plugged in?
To achieve this I'm going to use HAL via the DBus methods.
I'll be working in this branch: /code.edge. launchpad. net/~astromme/ timevault/ timevault- external
We'll see what happens. I haven't used python in a while and I have no idea how TimeVault's code works yet =P.
If anyone has other ideas on things regarding external drives, feel free to add comments.