Well, if you tell me about a site with a PW-protected RSS feed over https somewhere out in the wild, I'll gladly do it ;-) I guess there aren't too many which is why my report included a test case on my own server.
As far as cacert root certificate properly set up, hm, I am not sure. The connection is made, so my guess is it is properly set up. How do I verify?
Were you unable to reproduce this with the site I gave you?
Well, if you tell me about a site with a PW-protected RSS feed over https somewhere out in the wild, I'll gladly do it ;-) I guess there aren't too many which is why my report included a test case on my own server.
As far as cacert root certificate properly set up, hm, I am not sure. The connection is made, so my guess is it is properly set up. How do I verify?
Were you unable to reproduce this with the site I gave you?