* Merge from Debian pkg-xfce UNRELEASED (r2643), remaining Ubuntu changes:
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields.
+ build depends on gtk-doc-tools.
+ thunar-data: conflicts/replaces thunar-doc, libthunar-vfs-1-dev
(<= 0.9.0-3ubuntu1).
- debian/patches:
+ 06_fix-menu-icons.patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614).
+ xubuntu-fix-desktop-files.patch: various fixes to desktop files:
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;')
. add 'OnlyShowIn="XFCE;"' to Thunar-folder-handler.desktop so that
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar.
* Bugs fixed by this new release:
- "Querying Thunar /proc directory causes hang" (LP: #162448)
- "Thunar does not respond after second window is opened" (LP: #163587)
- "Thunar does not show if drive is mounted" (LP: #181117)
- "xfce desktop does not respect freedesktop desktop settings" (LP: #220318)
- "thunar swaps behavior of forward / back (next / previous) buttons"
(LP: #234217)
- "Xubuntu 8.04 X64 Thunar randomly freezes - hidden files/tree view"
(LP: #293839)
- "Opening multiple instances of thunar causes system freeze" (LP: #317920)
* debian/patches/02_fix-font-thumbnailer-desktop-file.patch: add missing keys
in the font thumbnailer's desktop file (LP: #318290).
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:47:35 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package thunar -
thunar ( jaunty; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian pkg-xfce UNRELEASED (r2643), remaining Ubuntu changes: menu-icons. patch: correctly displays themed icons even if there's fix-desktop- files.patch: various fixes to desktop files: file-validate happy (remove 'Encoding' and 'Application;') "XFCE;" ' to Thunar- folder- handler. desktop so that patches/ 02_fix- font-thumbnaile r-desktop- file.patch: add missing keys
- debian/control:
+ use our Vcs-* fields.
+ build depends on gtk-doc-tools.
+ thunar-data: conflicts/replaces thunar-doc, libthunar-vfs-1-dev
(<= 0.9.0-3ubuntu1).
- debian/patches:
+ 06_fix-
a dot in the middle of the filename (see Xfce #3614).
+ xubuntu-
. make thunar and thunar-bulk-rename appear under Accessories not System
. make destop-
. add 'OnlyShowIn=
GNOME defaults to Nautilus and not Thunar.
* Bugs fixed by this new release:
- "Querying Thunar /proc directory causes hang" (LP: #162448)
- "Thunar does not respond after second window is opened" (LP: #163587)
- "Thunar does not show if drive is mounted" (LP: #181117)
- "xfce desktop does not respect freedesktop desktop settings" (LP: #220318)
- "thunar swaps behavior of forward / back (next / previous) buttons"
(LP: #234217)
- "Xubuntu 8.04 X64 Thunar randomly freezes - hidden files/tree view"
(LP: #293839)
- "Opening multiple instances of thunar causes system freeze" (LP: #317920)
* debian/
in the font thumbnailer's desktop file (LP: #318290).
-- Lionel Le Folgoc <email address hidden> Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:47:35 +0100