The failure of the test_minimum_basic_instance_hard_reboot_after_vol_snap_deletion scenario test is probably caused by long boot time of CirrOS VM. The reason behind the long boot time is that the VM tries to unsuccessfully contact [1] (check out "failed 1/20: up 26.25. request failed" in the attached log file).
Also, this issue probably does not influence only the test_minimum_basic_instane_hard_reboot_after_vol_snap_deletion test but also other tests (e.g.: test_minimum_basic_scenario).
The failure of the test_minimum_ basic_instance_ hard_reboot_ after_vol_ snap_deletion scenario test is probably caused by long boot time of CirrOS VM. The reason behind the long boot time is that the VM tries to unsuccessfully contact http:// 169.254. 169.254/ 2009-04- 04/instance- id [1] (check out "failed 1/20: up 26.25. request failed" in the attached log file).
Also, this issue probably does not influence only the test_minimum_ basic_instane_ hard_reboot_ after_vol_ snap_deletion test but also other tests (e.g.: test_minimum_ basic_scenario) .
[1] https:/ /github. com/cirros- dev/cirros/ blob/7f5471e272 44b5f63194f2565 b49006203e40b6e /src/lib/ cirros/ ds/ec2# L41