After various of testing. It can only be reproduced if you have never chatted to the other user before. Otherwise you do not see this error.
1. Clear chat history with the other device.
2. Go into group chat (that has the other device in).
3. Tap the avatar and send a message.
4. Background Telegram.
5. The other device sends message back.
6. Tap on the Push Notification received.
7. 'Please Select Chat' error appears.
After various of testing. It can only be reproduced if you have never chatted to the other user before. Otherwise you do not see this error.
1. Clear chat history with the other device.
2. Go into group chat (that has the other device in).
3. Tap the avatar and send a message.
4. Background Telegram.
5. The other device sends message back.
6. Tap on the Push Notification received.
7. 'Please Select Chat' error appears.