In a private conversation with Matthias I said I hoped we would revisit this matter when Telegram 2.x was out. Now that it happened, and this bug report has been brought again to my attention, we have reviewed it. We have a solution that I believe would satisfy the requirements set by the bug description.
The proposed solution is the following:
The application may provide a setting to turn off "send message read notifications for received messages". The user who chooses to do that will in turn not see "message read notifications for sent messages". I think it is fair and that is a solution we are happy to go ahead with.
While we will do our best to continue maintaining and hopefully growing Telegram for Ubuntu, we are currently short on cycles. Therefore, we would be more than happy to accept a merge proposal with this feature, we simply can't commit to it at the moment as there are more higher priority bugs right now. But I am changing the bug status from "Won't fix" right now.
Hi all,
In a private conversation with Matthias I said I hoped we would revisit this matter when Telegram 2.x was out. Now that it happened, and this bug report has been brought again to my attention, we have reviewed it. We have a solution that I believe would satisfy the requirements set by the bug description.
The proposed solution is the following:
The application may provide a setting to turn off "send message read notifications for received messages". The user who chooses to do that will in turn not see "message read notifications for sent messages". I think it is fair and that is a solution we are happy to go ahead with.
While we will do our best to continue maintaining and hopefully growing Telegram for Ubuntu, we are currently short on cycles. Therefore, we would be more than happy to accept a merge proposal with this feature, we simply can't commit to it at the moment as there are more higher priority bugs right now. But I am changing the bug status from "Won't fix" right now.